1000th POST (56k warning)


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2006
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Well I've made it

1000th post.

Well as the weathers been dire or late I thought I'd post a few old shots that you may or may not of seen.


A few Landscapes

12 shot panoramic ( very large file )




some sports photos

some aviation

for Rob

and I'll post a few Wildlife shots later on
Happy 1000 again (said so in your Party-Thread in the OT, too) and thanks for posting all these cool photos. I really like the panoramic landscapes, and of the aviation photos the big ball of fire and the huge (beat me for the name of it, I wouldn't know) double rotor helicopter with the car in tow ... yes, you can hear what an expert I am on those things, can't you ;) ;) ;).
good shots.... i like the b+w scape, nice job :thumbup:
Very nice shots like the landscapes although I prefered the colour BUT for some reason I was drawn to the Poppy & Libby shots;) just had to check the rest out:thumbup:
LaFoto said:
Happy 1000 again (said so in your Party-Thread in the OT, too) and thanks for posting all these cool photos. I really like the panoramic landscapes, and of the aviation photos the big ball of fire and the huge (beat me for the name of it, I wouldn't know) double rotor helicopter with the car in tow ... yes, you can hear what an expert I am on those things, can't you ;) ;) ;).

CH-57 Chinook. "Air Assault!"

Great photos!
JamesD said:
CH-57 Chinook. "Air Assault!"

Great photos!

And what a great sound they make when you get "blade slap"
Great shots!! I looove the pan. Landscape shot ...
Hey Andy - well done on reaching your 1,000.
You know my feelings on your work - but no more bloody Otters please.
Landscapes are OOTW - shame we don't have any Rugby coming up on a Sunday. How do you fancy a Triathalon? - all those people in wet rubber suits and Lycra.
Great series and to think I was with you for a good few of them!!
Hey Andy, congrats on the 1000 posts. Awesome shots posted here - I don't recall having seen any of your landscapes before, for some reason. All the ones posted here really rock. I also like the animal shots on your website, your sense of humour, and your av. Here's to the next 1000 posts. :cheers:
Antarctican said:
Hey Andy, congrats on the 1000 posts. Awesome shots posted here - I don't recall having seen any of your landscapes before, for some reason. All the ones posted here really rock. I also like the animal shots on your website, your sense of humour, and your av. Here's to the next 1000 posts. :cheers:

Cheers my WA buddy :lol:
I posted the landscapes about a week or so after I joined this madhouse so no-one really knew me back then.

The BIG panoramic was taken just off the high street in Fort William in Scotland, what a site to have just off the high street, all we have in Reading is the bus depot and a 12th century Abbey thats nothing more than a pile of stone ;)
great series, congrats on the 1K... really enjoyed that b&w shot... :thumbup:
congrats again on the 1k! :hugs:
very awesome panos in here! :D like the sporting action too!

im a fan of the bw landscape too... love it! awesome tones and comp

thanks for sharing :)

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