126 film/processing?


TPF Noob!
Jan 2, 2008
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allentown, pa, usa
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i bought an old kodak instamatic 500 with the schneider lens. it's in excellent condition and i'm really psyched to try it. i've googled the film, seems you still can get it and there are places that process it. does anyone here shoot this film? what are the characteristics? any tips on using this film/cam? and where are the best deals on processing/what place do you send your rolls to?

also, what about other formats like 620?

If you want to process it yourself, 126 is the same width as 35mm. You can use standard 35mm reels. 620 is a different story. I'm sure someone custom loads and processes it, but costs will be very high.
haha well not really. i live in an old cottage built in the 1700s, basically no closets/light tight spaces. yes, i see what you're getting at. i have an attic, but no running water up there... basement is prob doable. its a possible future project, but right now i'd like to find places i can send film.

i found some links to Dwaynes and Vermont. anyone ever use them?
I send my 126 to Film for Classics, do you know that the last run of 126 was in the spring 07 should be about 2 more years supply. Also any pro lab with a Dip and Dunk machine can process most any size film if they want too.

As for 620 film the reel flange walls are thicker or the diameter is larger that on 120 film. There are few options. Have not tried any of them don’t have a 620 cameras but have read of them on TPF and other sites.

1) Buy used 620 reels on ebay, transfer 120 film to reel in the dark
2) Some 620 cameras work with 120 reels, on both supply and take-up, or only on supply use ebay 620 reel on take-up, be very careful testing
3) Rework 120 reels, google to get instruction on how
Buy 620 film from classic film dealer that do either #1 or #3 at about $10-15 a roll
haha well not really. i live in an old cottage built in the 1700s, basically no closets/light tight spaces. yes, i see what you're getting at. i have an attic, but no running water up there... basement is prob doable. its a possible future project, but right now i'd like to find places i can send film.

i found some links to Dwaynes and Vermont. anyone ever use them?

No need for a dark room if you are only working with film. Get a change bag or tent and a nice scanner.
--yeah, 2yrs. i saw that when i googled info on this cam. that's why i want to get on this asap. thanks!

--620, i have 2 rangefinders that could possibly take 120 or be modded. researching that too. maybe i'll post pics of these and make a sep thread. i love the possibility of utilizing these old cameras, instead of having them just sitting on a shelf.

--thanks for all of the input, appreciated!

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