1937 Vauxhall Salesman Convertible


TPF Noob!
Jul 20, 2024
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South Australia
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I recently had the opportunity to photograph a private collection of vehicles. This is a beautiful 1937 Vauxhall Salesman set in front of two entire walls of vintage oil can boxes. This is a light painted image consisting of 23 images blended together.

CC welcome.
Some very valid points there.

Foregrounds is something I am still working on, so I appreciate that feedback :)

I hadn't thought of how to control the Chrome like you said. An interesting technique and one I will try out. At the time I didn't have flash equipment with me and despite what the photo looks like, there wasn't too much room to play with.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.
All in all not bad. GK gave a pretty thorough critique above. One thing not mentioned is light direction and corresponding shadows. The bumper shadow is almost straight down, while the headlight shadow is going back on the hood. On the front wheel/hub cap, the light appears to be coming from above and to the side, but theres an odd shadow on the fender above? Then on the door there's an odd strip of light/shadows that dont really correspond with anything. When light painting its important to establish your light direction first and maintain that. You don't want highlights where its illogical for them to be. In some cases light painting is best used just for shadow recovery.The last 1% of effort produce the smallest of improvements in an image, but elevate it from good to exceptional.
That is an excellent image. I would be proud of that.

I do light painting on a macro scale and it is great fun and technically difficult to manage reflective surfaces.

I would love to have a go at a full size car / bike light painting.

The one thing I would point out is the can on the left with "TYDOL" in bright yellow. That would get a bit of Dodgy Burning if it was my image.


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