2 more osprey with food. What fish are they?


TPF Noob!
Dec 3, 2012
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1. $Osprey 20.jpg
2.$Osprey 19a.jpg
The top one looks like what we here in nj call a garfish,probably a pretty easy target for an osprey because they sit at the top of the water....second one looks like some kind of small snapper,cant really help you with that one...maybe I will dig a few osprey pics out and post em..thanks for posting yours
The top one looks like what we here in nj call a garfish,probably a pretty easy target for an osprey because they sit at the top of the water....second one looks like some kind of small snapper,cant really help you with that one...maybe I will dig a few osprey pics out and post em..thanks for posting yours

That top one you call a garfish is probably the ospreys number 1 fish here, probably for the reason that you said.
I do not live in Florida. Fish ID charts for specific areas are helpful. Just "assuming: you are near saltwater, I Google searched http://www.google.com/search?q=salt...ed=0CD4QsAQ&biw=1457&bih=891&biw=1457&bih=891

Fish ID is usually based on noticeable characteristics, such as in the case of the second fish, the faint barring on the side of the fish, or the tail's forkedness or tail shape, fin placement on the body, and so on. The presence or absence of specific fins (ventral or anal, pectoral, dorsal, and so on), and the shapes or angles of said fins, can be great differentiators. Sometimes the specific or general ray count in fins helps differentiated between closely-related species that look mostly "the same" at a casual glance. I was assuming this osprey is hunting saltwater areas...but if it's likely the bird is hunting in totally FRESH water, then other charts would be helpful.
Here's one w/ a sunfish ...always liked this pic,even though its heavily cropped and a litle noisy...see if I can find a few more

Garfish or small pike for the first one? Strawberry bass, perch or crappy for the second? Darn, I miss fishing.

Nice pictures.
Sorry for the double posts and for clogging up your thread

One with a calico bass


another with a menhaden

another with a catfish,I know its over exposed but I still like it

and one more about to dive

Nice pics. I love seeing osprey with what they get. The more the better
The fish in the 2nd pic looks like it could be a sheepshead.
Pretty common/popular in Fla.

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