20240805 Samsung Galaxy Camera EK-GC100


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Oct 21, 2016
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Around 2012 there were attempts to make cameras based on Android smartphone technology. Only a couple of companies tried their hands at this. One was Samsung and the other was Nikon. The first Samsung was its Galaxy Cam EK-GC100. A year or two later this was replaced by its Galaxy Cam 2. I believe there was also an SLR style camera, but I have never seen that one in stores. The Nikon camera ("Nikon Coolpix S800c") was the other camera maker, and again, I have never actually seen a Coolpix S800c myself. I did buy the EK-GC100, and I have posted sample video files from it before.

I have posted a "Full HD" sample video file recently as:

"20240805 Samsung Galaxy Camera EK-GC100 Sample Video" (link below)

This is the best quality video that the camera can make (because it is old). The image quality is pretty good compared to other cameras available back then.
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