
M @ k o

TPF Noob!
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Florida U S A




Thx for lookin ;)
Both of these are cool :thumbup:

I like everything about #1.

And soft dying flower against the rough steel is cool too :D
Right on M @ k o . Two really cool shots. The second is my fave of the two.
Excellent work, digging the 1st one the most...reminds me of those good old smoking days. Although I don't miss the cough!
awesome stuff m@ko! totally dig the dof
beautiful bw tones in the first.. love the mood of it...
the colors in the second are awesome teamed with the bg textures
thanks for sharing these... these are so cool!
love both of these m@ko, think 2 is just about my fav tho, good stuff mate :thumbup:
I like them both. There is something about the flower though.....I like it very much that it's kinda crispy.
How do you like the lens?
Thx Archangel :)

elsaspet said:
I like them both. There is something about the flower though.....I like it very much that it's kinda crispy.
How do you like the lens?

I absolutely love it elsaspet :thumbup: It was a wise investment. Thx for lookin ;)
you got the 50 1.4! wooohooo! :headbang: right on man. :thumbsup:
both are cool shots....really lovin the bokeh in the first and the saturation and OOF grate in the BG of the second. nice work....lets see more shallow stuff! not that yer shallow :mrgreen: :D

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