vikingtyty said:
could you PM me how to do the black background as well?
Here is My original instructions as they first appeared on another forum....
This is how I set up The shot
Set the camera to strictly manual. Adjust both Shutter speed of camera to 1/60 and ISO same for both flash and camera.
Adjust aparature of camera to underexpose (amount of under exposure is your choice and taste. How much light drop-off do you want.
Adjust aparature setting of
flash for proper
automatic exposure.
Adjust angle of flash-to-subject and flash distance from camera (Use side lighting for best results).
Adjust camera focus and turn off all ambient light. Room should be dark when you take the shot...
Set the camera to under-expose in order to paint only the flowers with light from the flash. That's why I shot
manual at F-25 and 1/60 shutter with absolutely no ambient light (totally dark room). You can use diffusion on the flash for variations on the theme.
This is my original image given as an example. It wasn't received well in the forums I posted it. lullabye has really taken this to a higher level. My hat's off to her.
In photoshop, you can use one of the following methods to achieve the same thing but some may consider your image a rendering if you do this in photoshop
You can under expose the image and then selectively dodge the portions you want to give extra light. Burn in varying degrees the areas you want to be less lit.
You can use inverse masks with the circular gradient tool on selected portions.
You can use vignettes in various proportions and degrees.
You can use a quick mask in conjunction with levels and a moderate application of feathering.
You can use Photoshop CS2's LENS DISTORTION TOOL to induce various stages of vignette .