A few recent shots.


TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have been waiting to post these because my monitor is going out and I can't tell if they look right. I just really want to post something because I haven't in a while. So, the colors may be kinda off, just ignore that :lol: I'm not supposed to know it, but my husband bought me a new monitor for Christmas, so I will be hooking it up tomorrow and editing these correctly so that I can actually show the clients.







# 4 is hilarious!!!!!! I love that one.
Ok, I don't know what's up with the first few looking all blurry. They absoultely are not at all...

When re sampled for the web, AKA smaller - the loss of data can soften the image. I'll sometimes use unsharp mask in PS to correct for this.

Nice shots BTW!

-Shea :mrgreen:
# 4 is hilarious!!!!!! I love that one.
:lol: The funniest part about that shot is that they both made a face at the same time having no clue the other was making a face, and they happened to make the same exact face. They ordered it in an 8x10 :lol:
When re sampled for the web, AKA smaller - the loss of data can soften the image. I'll sometimes use unsharp mask in PS to correct for this.

Nice shots BTW!

-Shea :mrgreen:
Interesting to know, the weird thing is, I just plugged in the new monitor (hubby and I exchanged our gifts shortly after I posted because he didn't want to wait until I get home from work tomorrow evening.) and they don't look soft to me anymore. Weird.
2nd to last is incredible.
Thanks! She was havin so much fun playing with her feet. It was adorable.
My favorite is the last one!! The composition is very cool on this one. I love the way it fills the frame
I thought only the second looked blurry.
So cute!
I absolutley LOVE all the black and white ones. Great job!
If it wasnt for the motion blur on #5, that one would be perfect.

#6 and #7 are amazing. Great black and white tones. The last one is especially outstanding. Very inspiring! :thumbup:

I am f on the b&w train as well :)

How do you do your conversions? I love it!
ya, the first few look like they have some weird compression thing going on....besides that the colour is a bit yelllow and a the famliy shot look blown out, they are just a bit boring...nothing really 'wrong', just a bit boring

last 3, especially the very last, are FANTASTIc!
Thank you everyone for the comments. I am just trying to always improve my skills and get great shots.

Emogirl, they look like that on my new monitor also, but they did not look that way when I edited or in the prints. I don't know what that's about, but the prints were perfect.

I am f on the b&w train as well :)

How do you do your conversions? I love it!
I use a photoshop action filter thingy (yes, I said thingy, it's been a long day) I purchased. NIK Color Efex.

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