A few shots from the weekend. C&C?


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2013
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McDonough, GA
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Everything was shot handheld so the firework shots arent great. The two with the lake and fireworks in view are the shots I was really hoping for but I was shooting from a boat without a tripod so the longest exposure I could manage was a half second or so. The last couple shots were pretty abstract looking but I particularly liked how the last one looks.









When asking for C&C, it's better with only one or two images.

I like numbers 1, 7, & 8.

The other two of the dogs are nice, but just snapshots of dogs (#1 has some feeling to it). Now this is just a critique on taste, not technique. All three dog images are nice technically (that I can see on my iPhone).

I like #7 & 8 because it fills the frame. The first three of the fireworks are out of focus (due to hand movement).

#9 is nice but would have been better if it filled the frame like 7 & 8. The movements in these shots don't hurt it because fireworks are moving, so it does not show.
I agree with above however, I think 2 would benefit from cropping to the white dog. I like the full frame fireworks especially since you hand held them.

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