A Place for Astrophotography


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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After the eclipse I have been seeing some astrophotography on YouTube and it got me thinking that this forum has no specific area to discuss this topic. You might be able to just rename one of the current groups, or if you think it might be worth it, create a new area for it. Any thoughts?
I've seen it on other forums. But only a couple users post their images not because of the cost involved but because of the late hours (wink smiley)
Take a look at the images produced by @crimbfighter. He has some fantastic astrophotography images. Those images get posted in the Landscape & Cityscape forum. If anyone has input on that idea, it would be him.
Here is a list of the astrophotography images he has created. Search results for query: astro

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