
Flirtacious and Bodacious
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2004
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North Central Illinois
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...Ok, so I'm bored at work, so I go to play they TPF trivia tournament for the first time in AGES...and THE DAMN PHONE RINGS 5 QUESTIONS IN!!!! Doesn't ring all day, and it HAS to ring half way through a TIMED trivia game. :grumpy:

BTW, if ya don't know what I'm talking about, it's here:

...or in Rob's sig. :P
Hey, your time wasn't bad at all! Hope you let the phone ring. I've been known to keep colleagues waiting...who can see my computer screen and know they're cooling their heels while I play a game...
Antarctican said:
Hey, your time wasn't bad at all! Hope you let the phone ring. I've been known to keep colleagues waiting...who can see my computer screen and know they're cooling their heels while I play a game..., I didn't let it ring...if it were my stepdad/boss, and I let it ring, he'd kill me. :P
summers_enemy said:
Oooh that was fun! So is there a new one every day? :mrgreen:
Yep. And each of us gets a different quiz from others on any given day, too.
it doesnt let me use Jophassa because it has the word Ass in it. I am Jophessa and am currently the bottom of the board!!!! HOW EMBARRASSING! I had to drive down to London, do a crap, take the remainding 13 exposures in my 36exp film, and liberate my neighbouring country between the questions, though.
i did terrible this month... i missed too many days. i still don't know how everybody reads so fast... i will get 9/10 and take 80 seconds and be in 6th place!! :x :D

tomorrow it all starts over and everybody will have a chance for 1st place again... right Anty??? ;)

10/10 in 46 seconds! :shock: one long question takes me 46 seconds!!! :roll:

seriously, congrats to Antartican for winning for the 3rd straight month! :thumbup:
Oh g'wan, JTHphoto, yer makin' me blush (but it was terribly sweet of you to post that! Mwah! )

It's rare I do the trivia that fast but was fortunate today that all my questions were short. Here's to a fresh start tomorrow.

And here's to Rob, who had 7 (yes, 7!!) wins this month!! Unbelievable!

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