AFP and Getty Images found liable for willful copyright infringement

Only glossed over it but it seems like the two companies were playing the pass the buck game between themselves whilst both hoping that their combined defence would result in a tiny pay out to the wronged party. Such a large sum is good in general for the community though - helps to put a big scary sticker on copyright infringement for big companies in general

Still a 3 year and nearly 4 year battle is nuts!
It's nice to hear that the little guy wins. That isn't something that seems to happen that much these days.
Actually, it happens on pretty much a daily basis, at least when it comes to copyright infringement actions.
Most infringement actions settle before they get to court.

Morel's award was based on statutory damages with a maximum amount set by law at $150,000 per infringed image.
Eight images were involved so 8 x $150,000 = the $1.2 M the jury awarded.

Not mentioned in that article is that the losers (AFP/Getty) also have to pay Mr. Morel's attorney fees and court costs, so Mr. Morel gets all $1.2 M.

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