Aircraft and Aviation Theme

Vintage Stinson Gullwing

Tha RAAF base was near my adventure yesterday, but whenever something did a low pass i was busy doing something else.

1 of our Roulettes,
Blue Angels Practice Day in Wichita Kansas, McConnell AFB...I found a parking lot at the Cessna plant that is only 150 off the centerline of the base's runway, near the end of the runway.
So they were REALLY low and close as they flew over....a couple of these shots, they were turning to line up with the runway, and some of these look like I was in an aircraft flying ABOVE these guys and gal (yep, Amanda Lee is the first female Blue plane number 4).... ENJOY!


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Yes...and I laid hands on Doc many years ago when he was at Boeing, in the experimental hanger, before the restoration started...I walked over there at lunchtime, and checked him out ....VERY COOL
Yes...and I laid hands on Doc many years ago when he was at Boeing, in the experimental hanger, before the restoration started...I walked over there at lunchtime, and checked him out ....VERY COOL
My dad flew on a B-29 when he was a brand new 2nd Lt in Air Weather Service. He said they would fly through the cloud of A-bomb tests at Bikini Atoll to collect data, and that if you were on the ground, you could stand with your back to the blast and hold up your hands to see the x-ray images of the bones. Never prevented him from having kids, although some might argue that we weren't normal 😋 and only ended up with kidney cancer in the early 2000's, possibly not even related to the radiation.
WOWZA Jeff, that's an amazing story....mind blowing to be honest...super glad your dad had no effects and lived a good life....thanks for your input!
Nieuport 17 replica
Annual fly-in meeting of a crazed local cult devoted to restored and replica vintage aircraft.


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