Aloha From Sunny Florida


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well I am learning that finding the right photography forum is like finding a good pair of running shoes, you can just go with the first pair you try on!

I'm looking for a good source of info as well as some friendly people that check their ego's at the door.

I look forward to getting to know some of you all here.!

Sorry, I had to laugh at the part about checking ego's at the door... :D

Welcome to the forums from Sunny CA.
Well I say that with tongue planted firmly in cheek as there are a couple forums out there where the in house "pros", although technically helpful, have enormous egos and it really makes it hard to warm up to them. Nothing but what they recommend is going to work.... kind of things. I know there are those types all over but seem to be concentrated more in one particular site.
Yes, have to agree with Trever here hahaha... But overall it's a great forum and it's helped me A LOT. Welcome!
Im not to much of a photo poster, I will every now and then if the occasion calls for it. Usually I will post one of a post edit/shoot to get a feeling how the masses think.

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