TPF Noob!
Hi Everybody:
I'm new at this thig, so please be kind.
Ever since i bought my first DSLR i've been haunted by dirt in my pictures, this is because of the fact that i change lenses very often during my journeys. My sensor is clouded by tiny dots and dashes that appear in my prize wnning pictures without exception.
Now i've been reading a lot of magazines and internet articles, none of them concur in a solution to my problem, so i gathered enough courage and i bought the sensor brush from Some of the articles i've read state that cleaning the sensor with dry methods is a mortal sin.
A friend of mine that also owns a Nikon D2X told me th he sensor has some sort of protective layer, can anyone confirm that?
My questions to you are the following:
1.- Given the fact that i don't own 3 or 4 bodies to have atached to all my different lenses, i will keep on changing lenses on the field, that is a fact of life i will have to live with. What method of sensor cleaning do you recomend? (sending my D2X body for profesional cleaning everey other week is not an option)
2.- Does anyone here know of a method to avoid dust and particles inside the body whilst exchanging lenses? (i have a trip to Egypt comming up very soon and i'm expecting sandstorms, so obviously i need some manner of safely and cleanly changing lenses)
Thanks to all of you
Carlos Carvajal
I'm new at this thig, so please be kind.
Ever since i bought my first DSLR i've been haunted by dirt in my pictures, this is because of the fact that i change lenses very often during my journeys. My sensor is clouded by tiny dots and dashes that appear in my prize wnning pictures without exception.
Now i've been reading a lot of magazines and internet articles, none of them concur in a solution to my problem, so i gathered enough courage and i bought the sensor brush from Some of the articles i've read state that cleaning the sensor with dry methods is a mortal sin.
A friend of mine that also owns a Nikon D2X told me th he sensor has some sort of protective layer, can anyone confirm that?
My questions to you are the following:
1.- Given the fact that i don't own 3 or 4 bodies to have atached to all my different lenses, i will keep on changing lenses on the field, that is a fact of life i will have to live with. What method of sensor cleaning do you recomend? (sending my D2X body for profesional cleaning everey other week is not an option)
2.- Does anyone here know of a method to avoid dust and particles inside the body whilst exchanging lenses? (i have a trip to Egypt comming up very soon and i'm expecting sandstorms, so obviously i need some manner of safely and cleanly changing lenses)
Thanks to all of you
Carlos Carvajal