An old shed


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Not 100% happy with the clouds
I remember (and liked) seeing your similar HDR work from about a year ago. It's good to see you and the photos back.

Given the lighting, you probably have the best dynamic range of the interior porch as you can get. Composition-wise, you can crop some grass out or zoom in a bit to your main subject, the shed, to get more detail of it.
Given the lighting, you probably have the best dynamic range of the interior porch as you can get.

I could have gotten more out of it, but it would have way over done the rest.

Something more like this:


Thanks for the welcome back. Life kinda went wonky for a while there. Photography had to go on the back burner. Glad to be getting some time with my camera now.
Yes welcome back just to see you get some camera time again

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