And the next shot is...

65 years of use, so far, built before we threw things away.

The next shot is gasoline related.

wonderful shot.
Very strange that no one on this forum uses these kind of filters while taking pictures or (digitally) editing pictures, but anyway, another topic, next picture: bright lights...

edit: White text doesn't work with the light style.
I have some of those filters, and I've used them, but not in the last 10 years. I can mostly get the same result in Photoshop, without carrying the filters and holder everywhere with me.

This picture is not mine it belongs to Snowbear.
Next shot, car engine
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I shot the same Jeep!.,
It was in my collection of pics. I don't remember where it came from. It may be your picture you posted and I just downloaded it because I liked the shot.

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