Android field guides


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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Anyone know of any good android-based field guides? Guides for birds, flowers, trees etc.

I see the Audobon series on Google Play, but the reviews look dismal.
Peterson's is only available on iPhone from what I can see. Too bad - that's the best series for birds. Maybe you could find it in ebook format or pdf and load that into a book reader app. Hmm... Now I want this, too. ;)
For birds on my Android phone and tablet, I use iBird Pro | iBird which is found here: iBird | the world's best selling field guide app, which comes from my use of the online North American birding database at WhatBird | identify birds | bird identification guide | north america which I've been using online for a lot of years.

I used it the other day on my phone out in the back yard to call a Baltimore Oriole in close that I saw fly through. I played the BO's song on my phone and it started answering back right away, got closer pretty quick and then it was right on top of me. Unfortunately, it perched directly over my head looking down at me and my phone, where I couldn't really get a clear shot of him, but one of these days...

Anyway, I love this app.
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I have the Audobon for the birds. And used the iBird free version before. Just compare the free iBird and Audobon, I like the Audobon better. (maybe because of the free version).

It's funny that when I saw who publish the iBird. I had few books from the Waite Group 20 years ago and they are all C and C++ books, they had nothing to do with Birds.

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