Another Canadian newbie.


TPF Noob!
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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Hi all. I'm Tanya (obviously), and I live in Hamilton, Ontario. I recently got a DSLR (I know, who hasn't lately?), so I'm just looking for a place to go where I can learn, teach, share, all that good stuff. Looking forward to getting to know you guys! :)
Hi Tanya Obviously, and welcome to the forum!

I know what you mean about the popularity of DSLR, it seems like everywhere I go folks are carrying around new equipment (including me).

I think the low cost of point and shoot has awakened a trend towards more professional equipment sales, and this can only be good for the industry while somewhat troubling for the real pros who have to put up with our learning curve.

So shoot the great white for us & start posting soon!

oohh Hamilton, eh? That's fun.

Yes, I agree everyone's getting a DSLR. But the best part is they use them on auto for the rest of their lives and wonder why their pictures turn out just like the 70 dollar P+S.

Good luck. Welcome.
Hi Tanya, welcome to the 'nut house'! :)

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