another new guy...


TPF Noob!
Mar 6, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey everyone...i joined this forum because i love photography; taking pictures, looking at other people's photos and seeing how influential photography can be. I am currently a nursing student who does not have a lot of time to actually go out and shoot, but i do want to be still involved with photography. I flickr, facebook, myspace, all those networking sites that involve photos. I shoot canon and i shoot nothing but prime lens with my 20d. 50 1.4 and 20 2.8 are my babies. I would like to shoot with the 100 2.8 macro lens someday and even move up to a full frame body. I'm sure i'll be able to afford that when i'm a nurse. hahaa. in my photos, i look forward to improve my techique in terms of taking pictures and photo editing. I like to keep it simple by just using only lightroom. photography is a hobby that i LOVE!!!! I hope to post more often on this forum and learning from many of you as well.
Welcome aboard.
hello im glad that you joined here cheers...

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