Any love for "the beast" Nikon AF-S 28-70mm f2.8D ??


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 9, 2009
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Houston, Texas
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When I moved over to FX, I sold off my beloved D300 and 17-55 f2.8G.
I knew I'd miss not having a wide f2.8 zoom, and I couldn't afford the 24-70 f2.8G, so I opten for the 28-70 f2.8D.
I'm glad I did! It's a solid tank!!! Images are sharp wide open. No complaints.
Everyone says it's too heavy. Nope, it's not as heavy as my 80-200 f2.8. I like the build/weight, etc...
Sure, it's not as wide as the 24-70, but that's ok, considering the hundreds that I've saved.
The Nikon 28-70mm 2.8 is an outstanding lens and best bang for the buck in my opinion. I use it on my D7100 and love it! It's rock solid and takes great low light/night time shots. I also have a D300 & 17-55mm 2.8 but tend to my D7100 w/28-70mm 2.8 more.

I'm actually thinking about selling off my D300 w/17-55 to help fund a D800 body for my 28-70mm 2.8. Then mount my 18-200mm on my D7100 for traveling/family misc photos.
I may need to get this lens.

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