Anyone use Mpix?


TPF Noob!
Jan 23, 2009
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last week on Thursday I sent in 4 rolls of film I had sitting around (color) and as of today I haven't heard anything back from them yet..
I don't think they work on the weekends.

How did you send the film?

Where are you located relative to MPIX, since it could have a bearing on how long it takes for your film to get from you, to them?
I sent the film in the mailer bags they give you I threw in 4 rolls

and I'm located in Connecticut.
I have used them quite a few times and am also in CT. It generally took about 10 days to receive my prints.
It's not prints but just waiting for them to be developed I just got my negatives back today for that order it only took maybe 3-4 days and I got an email saying it was ready.
I used to use them a lot for film developing (before I started doing it myself). Usually, I got the email saying it was ready after a couple days, and almost always had the film back in my hands a week and one day from when I sent it.

I think KmH is right - I don't think they work on the weekends. If you mailed them Thursday last week, Mpix probably didn't get them till Saturday, so they're probably just now starting to develop them. I think you will get the email late today, or tomorrow.
Lol I just got the email 5 min ago

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