Back! and a bad week


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May 1, 2008
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Sooo this last week hasn't been too good.

Started off with the internet router reaching the end of its life around Thursday or so so just fire off a phonecall to BT and order a new one. And we waited - and waited - and waited - and yesterday bought a new one from the shop because we are still waiting for the one from BT.
So got the net back at last

Worse news though is that my father was rushed into A&E on Friday evening following sharp back then severe stomach pains (the back pain stopped the stomach didn't). This followed a period in the morning where he was totally without balance (Labrynthitus according to the doctor who visited and gave some pills). High blood pressure and pain and a night in the hospital and the start of a very long week of test after test after test.
On the positive side he's in very good condition for a man of his age! Barring the stomach pains that is. He's been scanned everywhere; had cathetas (sp) in and out and in again; and is now on a drip as he's basically eaten very very little since Friday. Not had a stroke; no heart attack (though a slightly irregular heart beat, but he's had that for ages); no blood clot on the lung; not diabetic; and from what I gather most of his blood results show generally positive information.

So right now he's stuck in bed; weak and still not eating much (though he's steadily gotten a little better); he's picked up a chest infection (on anti-biotics) and whilst we could hope I doubt it was the root cause of the problem, but something that got in due to environment and because he's run his resistance right down.

They've advanced to a camera down the gut today so fingers crossed it tells us something.

And to end the week on a merry note we've lost our last cat. Not totally unexpected as she was very old for a cat and quite the bag-of-bones in shape; but still quite a marker as we've never been without a cat in the house before (and won't have for some years now till a certain cat-hating-husky passes on - at least unless a half wild cat walks in and decides the risk is worth the reward to stay).

So yeah a bad week!!
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Those sound like the symptoms I had just before an emergency gallbladder operation. Hope he's better soon.
My thanks Baturn

And (after phoning various family members around with the news first) an update from the camera - stomach ulcer identified!

Feels like rather a relief to finally have a diagnosis - likely something that's been growing away since christmas as he felt a little unwell then and has been since but nothing serious enough to make him go to the doctors [then again he rarely does that anyway]
Best wishes to your family. On the bright side, it could have been all sorts of things that are far worse. There are good treatments for ulcers these days.
oh no! im so sorry. Glad your dad is on the mend.
Thanks all - and yes Ken, barring a stay whilst he recovers it should be good news from here on now that we know what's wrong and such
Hey, it could have been worse.............




It's good that your network is finally back up and running.

I'm glad they found your fathers condition was not life threatening. Buy dad some buttermilk. My father had ulcers as well. Buttermilk seemed to help. After a while when it starts to heal things will be better. He will also learn what causes his ulcers to flair up and should be able to manage them quite nicely in a short period of time.

As for the cat, I feel your pain. Have lost many beloved dogs and cats over my 61 plus years. From the sounds of your description it was probably best for your cat. Quality of life is not just for humans but for all animals.

My personal choice for me would be quality of life over quantity of life, but then I am going through having my mother and last living direct relative, afflicted with advancing Alzheimer's. Her quality of life has quickly slipped away and is quickly entering that quantity of life only stage.

Best wishes for a better end to this week and a better start to next week.
So sorry for the bad week. So glad they found out what was wrong. Hope your dad gets better soon.
Sorry to hear this! Hope everything gets better soon!
Sooo this last week hasn't been too good.

Started off with the internet router reaching the end of its life around Thursday or so so just fire off a phonecall to BT and order a new one. And we waited - and waited - and waited - and yesterday bought a new one from the shop because we are still waiting for the one from BT.
So got the net back at last

Worse news though is that my father was rushed into A&E on Friday evening following sharp back then severe stomach pains (the back pain stopped the stomach didn't). This followed a period in the morning where he was totally without balance (Labrynthitus according to the doctor who visited and gave some pills). High blood pressure and pain and a night in the hospital and the start of a very long week of test after test after test.
On the positive side he's in very good condition for a man of his age! Barring the stomach pains that is. He's been scanned everywhere; had cathetas (sp) in and out and in again; and is now on a drip as he's basically eaten very very little since Friday. Not had a stroke; no heart attack (though a slightly irregular heart beat, but he's had that for ages); no blood clot on the lung; not diabetic; and from what I gather most of his blood results show generally positive information.

So right now he's stuck in bed; weak and still not eating much (though he's steadily gotten a little better); he's picked up a chest infection (on anti-biotics) and whilst we could hope I doubt it was the root cause of the problem, but something that got in due to environment and because he's run his resistance right down.

They've advanced to a camera down the gut today so fingers crossed it tells us something.

And to end the week on a merry note we've lost our last cat. Not totally unexpected as she was very old for a cat and quite the bag-of-bones in shape; but still quite a marker as we've never been without a cat in the house before (and won't have for some years now till a certain cat-hating-husky passes on - at least unless a half wild cat walks in and decides the risk is worth the reward to stay).

So yeah a bad week!!
I was going to mention gallbladder problem, and then I saw someone already had. I recently (February) had my gallbladder removed, but the pain that got me to the emergency room was, I thought, in my stomach. It turned out to be pancreatitus, caused by a gall stone blocking the duct from the pancreas. It was also discovered I had an ulcer, probably caused by taking too much "safe" pain killer while waiting for an appointment with the surgeon for consultation. I just mention this in case your dad was taking pain killer for a problem he was self-treating, and maybe not yet mentioned or considered.
Sorry about your week! It's good that there is a diagnosis and also that it's a manageable issue. So sorry about the kitty, too. Even when it's expected, you're never quite ready for how empty it feels when they're gone :(
Thanks all )
I hope its just the ulcer, but as they ae keeping him in for a while longer hopfully if tgere is anything else it will get spotted. I dont think he was doing any self medication (eg painkillers) but was just uncomfortable for an extended period which obviously gave the ulcer time to grow
I hope next week is a better one, for you and me both.

This week a cyclist ran into my 5 year old daughter and broker both her tibia and fibula on her left leg. She's in a full leg cast and confined to a wheelchair. Finding a wheelchair on short notice was a task, but The Red Cross has a loaner program so we got one at no charge (still made a donation).

She's obviously been in a fair bit of pain, plus the fact of having an itchy cast on her leg...she's been having trouble sleeping, which means we all have trouble sleeping. wife backed into the garage door before it was all the way open, damaging the door and shattering the rear window of our van.

I'm ready for this week to be over.

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