barely caught Northern Harrier


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 6, 2022
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She sees me coming and high tails it out of there.

Great shot timing!
Thanks everyone!
I think Mitch has this bird tied to a string.... he releases it takes a couple shots then pulls it back in like a kite :)

Great shot!
I think Mitch has this bird tied to a string.... he releases it takes a couple shots then pulls it back in like a kite :)

Great shot!
This bird is the bane of my life. I have years worth of shots, but always looking forward to THE shot. She'll be flying down a ridge towards me and I can tell when she sees me and switches direction. Arrgh.

Also, the preserve the parking lot is in the east and I have to walk west in to the park. She is invariably in front of me and right in the Sun. It's like she knows when I leave my house and times it perfectly. They're all against me, I can feel it... :icon_crazy:

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