battle of the bands


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2005
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My university held a battle of the bands a few nights ago so naturally I went and tooks some photos, I kept a few from each band, but in the interest of keeping this brief, I'll just post a few highlights. The lighting was really bad so I had to stick to pretty dark shots, no fancy lighting effects to show off unfortunately.




Thanks for lookin'
dude, that last one says it all! excellent work in these and thanks for sharing :thumbup:
omelettedude...these are great. The last shot is my fave of the lot. Excellent stuff man.
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the comments. The girl in the last photo was actually the winner of the competition, so I guess it works out well that many of you like that photo the best.
nice work omeletteman, great job with these, the last is my fav also :thumbup:
I think theyre all good shots but i really like the last one cant put my finger on why i do but it just stands out to me
Nice work :wink:

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