TPF Noob!
I don't typically post two images in this forum so close together, but I believe these are very different and would like a critique on this one as well.
This is from the Big Pup falls. Unfortunately due to steep rock bluffs and slippery moss I could not get well positioned as I would have liked without waders.
This image was taken at f/5.6, 28mm @ ISO 200 @ 1/15 sec. No flash, however if I recall correctly I did use a circular polarizer.
Does the depth of the image and especially the items in the right add to or distract from this image. I have mixed feelings about the effect that it creates. General opinions about the depth, and shutter speed for the water would be appreciated as well as the general composition.
This is from the Big Pup falls. Unfortunately due to steep rock bluffs and slippery moss I could not get well positioned as I would have liked without waders.
This image was taken at f/5.6, 28mm @ ISO 200 @ 1/15 sec. No flash, however if I recall correctly I did use a circular polarizer.
Does the depth of the image and especially the items in the right add to or distract from this image. I have mixed feelings about the effect that it creates. General opinions about the depth, and shutter speed for the water would be appreciated as well as the general composition.