
High Rouleur

TPF Noob!
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Seven Valleys, PA
Can others edit my Photos
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I was just fooling around with a new lens, taking some macros of my bikes and learning about DOF, and I wanted to share these. I realize that all three of them are oriented the same way; I guess the light was best from this angle, because I do have other shots that are composed differently but I don't really like any of them. All C&C is welcome. And if anyone has experience photographing bikes and can share some tips, please do!



i know you said you were playing with dof, but i'd definitely close the lens down more.
it looks like you were shooting wide open, if not very close to it.
but if thats how you wanted it, nevermind :p
#2 is my favorite. And #3 could be very cool if it was in color. I have a feeling that the chain is a little rusty and the paint chipping could give it a verry cool feel.
i like them...and i spy a Hayes rotor...
i know you said you were playing with dof, but i'd definitely close the lens down more.
it looks like you were shooting wide open, if not very close to it.
Agreed. I was rushing the shots a little, and I didn't even think to stop it down and see how that looked. Next time.

#2 is my favorite. And #3 could be very cool if it was in color. I have a feeling that the chain is a little rusty and the paint chipping could give it a verry cool feel.
Thanks...#1 is actually my favorite though. #3 doesn't look that good in color. There's an orange-ish/brown wall behind it, and everything is just dirty, not rusty. Aside from the wall, it looks B&W already.

i like them...and i spy a Hayes rotor...
Thanks! But it's just an Avid...:blushing:
I like #2. Maybe sharpen & up the contrast a little bit more. I like the lines in the background and the half circle - you arranged the shapes well in the image.
avid knocked off Haynes vent design but i see my mistake they also take a chunk out of the round of the rotor :er:

it's obviously an avid
avid knocked off Haynes vent design but i see my mistake they also take a chunk out of the round of the rotor :er:

Hey, I like this game. Maybe I'll take some more macros of the bikes and see if you guys can guess what I'm showing. :D
How good are you at identifying lug patterns on mid-'70s steel frames?

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