Black and white Cat photography.


TPF Noob!
Jun 26, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
These are photos of my outside cat, Sugar.

These are photos of my inside cat, Jasper.


I hope you enjoy these photos!
none are edited.
I like 3,4,and 5 the best. The first three look a tiny bit low in contrast; the whites could be a bit whiter and brighter, and the different tones could be a bit more, well, contrasty. I like cats. Jasper looks way cool.
These are nice. I really like #2, but agree that it lacks a little contrast.
These are nice personal snapshots of a cat but in the first series it does look like the whiskers are in focus and the eyes are out of focus.

Since you don't believe in editing, a couple of questions arise.

How did you get them to be B&W?
Did you set the characteristics of the file?

How will you change the contrast of the image?
How did you get them to be B&W?

I went to the scene selection and chose Black and White.

Did you set the characteristics of the file?

I just put on close up and tried to focus on the eyes as much as possible.

How will you change the contrast of the image?

Well, I could do three things:
1.) Go to the manual and keep it at black and white, keep it on close up, then change the shutter.
2.) I could lower the brightness
3.) I never said I didn't believe in editing photos - but I do try to avoid it if I can. But if I wanted to I could fix the contrast just by simply changing it in the basic photo fixer my photo viewer has.
I like the first one the best, because of the contrast between fur and clouds. As noted, the contrast could be a bit higher on these first ones, but not too much. Soft cat, soft clouds, soft tones, or something like that. I like all of the indoor cat. Nice visual pop, nice and close in. It's a style, and a visually pleasing one.

Your eye ain't bad at all.
Thank you, Everyone!

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