Blatant Theft... And She Got Busted For It...


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2012
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St. Augustine, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but this is the story of a woman in the States who, apparently, stole the photos of a wedding photographer in Vancouver, BC, posted them on her Facebook page, and claimed them as her own. In this day and age, it's silly to think that anyone could get away with something like this...
Ha! That's awesome.

Usually, when that sort of thing happens, it's hard or impossible to get any real justice. The legal system is slow and expensive and doesn't suit the global community, at least not on this small scale type of thing. So it's nice to see that social media can dish out such swift and powerful justice.

On the other hand, it's a two edged sword. I'm sure there have been plenty of examples (and many more to come) when the 'social media justice mob' has jumped to the wrong conclusion. It could easily do some real damage to innocent people. For example, broadcaster Gerry Sandusky has taken a ton of seriously bad flack, simply because his name sounds exactly like Jerry Sandusky, the scumbag from Penn State.
There is a web site devoted to this entire situation. Not this particular one but photo theft in general. Look Here. It is getting quite widespread.
It's been wide spread for quite some time now.

A lot of people are clueless about copyright/intellectual property, and do not know they are stealing when they copy and use someone else's photos.
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Apparently Meagan Kunert is back in business doing wedding photography again. She's not sorry for what she did. She's only sorry she got caught.
In an ironic coincidence, when I looked at her old FB page, I noted the ad on the right.

SCraig said:
There is a web site devoted to this entire situation. Not this particular one but photo theft in general. Look Here. It is getting quite widespread.

She's on that site too. .
I dont think anyone is THAT clueless that they dont know they shouldnt claim they shot other peoples pictures.

I mean come on thats a direct lie, even if you know squad about any laws at all.
There are no laws against stupidity! (politicians won't pass any.. they would be severely impacted by such!)
I read this before. She had an appology posted on a blog somewhere but I suspect she's pretty much ruined in the wedding photography world.

This whole scandal along with a few smaller ones are detailed in this blog:

Photo Stealers
Oh lol. I didn't notice it was linked.

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