Bought a 70-200mm f/4.0 usm L lens (ep!)


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2013
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:crazy: Well I'm feeling a little crazy at the moment. I won the bid on a 70-200mm f/4 lens. I'm kinder thinking now why did I do that? But anyway.. I thought it would be a cheap option until I can afford a 70-200 is 2.8.. Then I'll re sell it.

I'm so paranoid though. I just am praying its in good condition like it said. I'd be spewing if it 1- didn't turn up, 2 has been dropped, 3 has dust or fungus in it, 4 been dropped.

Now to stress until it turns up.
:crazy: Well I'm feeling a little crazy at the moment. I won the bid on a 70-200mm f/4 lens. I'm kinder thinking now why did I do that? But anyway.. I thought it would be a cheap option until I can afford a 70-200 is 2.8.. Then I'll re sell it.

I'm so paranoid though. I just am praying its in good condition like it said. I'd be spewing if it 1- didn't turn up, 2 has been dropped, 3 has dust or fungus in it, 4 been dropped.

Now to stress until it turns up.

Where did you buy it from?
eBay :/ its used. But the description said its like new... And the rest but I just get paranoid.
eBay :/ its used. But the description said its like new... And the rest but I just get paranoid.

Well if the guy has a decent amount of feedback (100+) and doesn't have any negatives odds are extremely good that you won't have any problems at all, most folks that do business on Ebay for a while are pretty serious about their feedback rating so they usually go overboard describing any issues with an item in detail in the ad so that they won't have to worry about any problems.

Also if you paid with paypal then your pretty well covered, just test the lens when you get it and if you do have any problems at all, contact the seller and give them a chance to make things right, if they won't then you can always open a case with Ebay - I've never had to do it myself but from what I understand Ebay will generally make sure you get your money back if the item is not as described. They take that stuff pretty seriously.
The 70-200F4 is a great lens you may not want to buy the F2.8 because of weight

here's a shot from it
I love me 70-200 f/4, I have the IS version, but basically the same. The weight is great and super sharp! I have bought lenses from ebay and from a forum without any problems. In fact my 70-200 I think I bought on here and the 17-40 on ebay. I'm sure things will be just fine.
I think ebay / paypal sometimes pretty good about protecting customers especially for items received are not as described. Of course, sellers with a lot of good ratings and feedback are also important. As for the EF 70-200mm f/4L, I have that lens and it is a GREAT lens. I just like how sharp this lens is even shoot with f/4 @ 200mm. The out of focus blur and color rendering are also great.

And yes, the weight of the f/4 lens is not that heavy. I also have a Sigma non-OS 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, and I prefer using the Canon f/4 simply because of the weight.
I think ebay / paypal sometimes pretty good about protecting customers especially for items received are not as described. Of course, sellers with a lot of good ratings and feedback are also important.

I always make sure to try and make the transaction with PayPal. They have excellent protection for both the buyer and seller.
I own both the 4.0 and the 2.8, and I use them both. The 4.0 is a great lens. Plus it is light.
Thanks everyone :) I'm really looking forward to using it. I haven't owned a good lens yet. And I've bought the 70-200mm and a 24-105mm lens . They are a lot better then what I've had. I need to keep saving and buy some new lenses mid year. But these will be great for the mean time. Thanks for the pic gsgary . It was great to hear some good feedback on the lens.
If I didn't need the f/2.8 for my concert shooting, I'd have the f/4. It's known to be a razor sharp lens, and I don't know that I've ever read a negative review of it...
Yeh that's good. I've just heard a lot of people say get the 2.8.. So I thought it must not of toke decent enough pictures. Glad it lighter to.
People say get the f/2.8 because it has 1 stop more light-gathering ability. To get that, you need more lens, so it weighs more. The f/4 version is light, extremely sharp, and a joy to use. The maximum f/4 aperture means that interior shots with ambient light will require either slow shutter speeds, or high ISO or both. In my case, for interior shots I have several speedlights, and I don't shoot sports or events, so the f/2.8 aperture is not as important to me. The weight of the lens IS important, as I carry my gear in a backpack, and I prefer a lighter lens. The IS function works very well, and the AF is very fast. Filter size is 67mm, so the filters are cheaper than if you had the f/2.8.
I have this lens as well and vouch for it's quality.

Also I went with the 4.0 as I found the 90% of my shots at this range were during good light conditions.

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