gigo567 TPF Noob! Joined May 25, 2006 Messages 78 Reaction score 0 Location Marin County, California Jun 5, 2006 #1 Tell me if I should crop it or not. Saw the moon outside and got my camera and tripod. Got a few cool photos of the moon. I think its cool how you can see the outline of the trees because of the moonlight. ^^^Slightly different than the first one.
Tell me if I should crop it or not. Saw the moon outside and got my camera and tripod. Got a few cool photos of the moon. I think its cool how you can see the outline of the trees because of the moonlight. ^^^Slightly different than the first one.
WNK TPF Noob! Joined Apr 6, 2006 Messages 1,379 Reaction score 0 Location The Mighty Midwest Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Jun 5, 2006 #2 Cool idea, but they dont really do much for me. I think a crop may help... definately play around with that
Cool idea, but they dont really do much for me. I think a crop may help... definately play around with that