Californian Hills


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2007
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This is my first post here. I recently started to go a bit into photography. This is a first picture which I thought would have the niveau to post it.

Maybe you like it :]

i think there is too much grass in the foreground and its too bright in the background.
I do not think there is too much grass in the foreground. Having the brown patch a bit more on the left could help the overall balance though.

the images has a strong colour cast .. did you use any filters?

oh, and welcome to the forum :)
I love it. I like how it has alot of grass. Makes me want to go lay in it!!

the people and the city make it peaceful.
thanks for your comments. i apreciate it.
there are no filters used. i only played with levels, contrast and those things...
to me the colour cast becomes painful in the sky and the hills. the foreground has a cast, but that gives a certain mood.
I agree with some of the above posters, this looks slightly odd.

Is it a scan or something?
Try to get the green grass to pop and this would be a really good photo :)

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