camera help


TPF Noob!
May 30, 2012
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casino nsw
hi im ruth newman i am new to the site and there is something i would like to discuss. i have an olympus e420 and i was thinking of getting a new camera. the e420 has never met my expectations especially in low light conditions. i was wanting to make the switch to the canon 60d or 7d, a photography shop person suggested the 600d im confused. do you reckon i would be makin a big step from my olympus to either of one of these cameras, or are any suggestions to make the olympus better in the low light conditions. i just want to make this next camera i get one that stay around for a longer period of time. any suggestions would help. thanks
i have two lens i mainly use 14-42mm lens

Hmm, f/3.5-5.6 ... you can get faster lenses on a DSLR ... like f/1.4 - 1.8 ... though most zoom lens only get to f/2.8 max.
Probably get better noise reduction with a DSLR at very high ISO.
or wat about the nikon d7000

If you can afford the D7000, and at least one lens, then go for it. What type of cameras do your friends use? Is there a knowledgable retailer near you who can show you several makes and let you hold them?

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