Canon 5D Mark IV sensor issues and grey-market bodies...


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2011
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So I just purchased the 5D Mark IV off of eBay - Electronics Valley had an import model for $2899. I figured at that price I'd jump on it.

Then I find today that some of the Mark IV sensors are having issues. (If you google "Michael the Mavin 5D Mark IV sensor problem" you will see it.) Apx 50% of people who answered his poll reported that they were having the problem.

Now I'm all worried about having purchased a grey market body. Anyone have any advice for me? Should I try to cancel my order ASAP?
So I just purchased the 5D Mark IV off of eBay - Electronics Valley had an import model for $2899. I figured at that price I'd jump on it.

Then I find today that some of the Mark IV sensors are having issues. (If you google "Michael the Mavin 5D Mark IV sensor problem" you will see it.) Apx 50% of people who answered his poll reported that they were having the problem.

Now I'm all worried about having purchased a grey market body. Anyone have any advice for me? Should I try to cancel my order ASAP?

Guess it depends but honestly my answer wouldn't just be yes, it would be hell yes. I wouldn't invest that much in a grey market body and be at the mercy of some 3rd party company to honor a warranty. For me it would be worth a few extra bucks knowing that if needed I could get it serviced both in and out of warranty.

So yes, if it were me and I could cancel the order, I'd cancel the order. I'll wish you luck, I don't know these folks at Electronics Valley but any company that's willing to skirt paying the proper import fees and tariffs on an item is already engaged in some shady business practices from the outset, IMHO.
He posted about this terible problem his camera has, on Canon USA forums, and, "Both of them were pulled down within five minutes." (1:33 mark of the video).

Canon 5D Mark IV Sensor Problem - Michael Andrew Photography Blog

This seems like a serious problem for people whose 5D Mark IV cameras are afflicted with this sensor problem. In his on-line poll, 51.88 % of respondents reported no problems with their camera, but 48.12 % of respondents reported that they have the problem. But hard to know how big this issue is: is it widespread? Or scattered?

Apparently, Canon USA does not want this sensor issue to be acknowledged on their web site, and will pull comments about it--"within five minutes".

As to the gray market camera at $2,899...that's a $3,499 camera with basically, no manufacturer's warranty, but a 1-year seller's warranty. I see that Electronics Valley charges a 15% restocking fee on non-defective merch, and the buyer pays the return shipping cost. So, you'd be into it for $434 for the 15% restocking fee, and maybe and additional $25 to $35 or so for shipping back to New Jersey. Ouch!

I would say back out immediately, before they ship it to you, if you want to back out of the deal.
I thought Canon's were always perfect from the assembly line and only Nikon had problems ... according to Canon users?

The worst problem with grey market equipment is that you are at the whim of the company that sold it to you, or their "insurance" agent.

Cancel ASAP !!
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This review shows more problems especially with long exposure ==>
Although it really sounds like there is a problem, I would not take his 50% poll numbers to be anywhere close to an unbiased poll. People who took the poll, went to his website. some would be his regular readers but how many of those found that article after experiencing a technical problem and searching the web to see if others had? It's like posting a poll in the service department. Has your equipment ever broken down? Well... I'm here right? :)
Though technically, it should be a small population in correlation to equipment that has been out for years.

We could have a poll of how many ppl have had a problem with their Nikon D810. It's been on the market a long time. When a new product is introduced and someone has a problem like they are having, they do scour (or maybe they don't) the internet to find other like issues.

This behavior normally happens when a new product is introduced. Not months later after everyone in a vacuum starts thinking otherwise.
ie, Nikon D750 AF issue, D600 oil splatter, D800, canon t4i, etc.

essentially as has been whipped so many times before, the consumer is the end result product tester these days it seems. So when there's a problem, it blows up fairly quickly.
Thanks for the advice everyone... I was able to cancel the order. No complaints against this eBay store - they were helpful and nice - but I'll stick with B&H from now on.

Now I just have to decide whether or not to order the Mark IV or wait and see what the deal is with the sensors...

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Thanks for the advice everyone... I was able to cancel the order. No complaints against this eBay store - they were helpful and nice - but I'll stick with B&H from now on.

Now I just have to decide whether or not to order the Mark IV or wait and see what the deal is with the sensors...

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That is great news. I've often been tempted by grey market prices but I've always ended up taking the safer route and paying for the US model.
That is great news. I've often been tempted by grey market prices but I've always ended up taking the safer route and paying for the US model.
Nikon actually does support some of the grey market models in the US ... maybe.
They had a list of them, none of them were current models if I recall correctly.
Nikon is Now Allowing Some Grey-Market Camera Repairs in the US

more specific information ==> Great news: you can now repair some Nikon grey market cameras at third party US repair facilities | Nikon Rumors

although the NikonUSA website has this ==> What are Gray Market Products?
I thought Canon's were always perfect from the assembly line and only Nikon had problems ... according to Canon users?
They're always perfect!

In our eyes.

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