Canon EF-M


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2011
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St. Helens, England
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Hello there.

I was recently telling my Dad I was looking at Digital SLR cameras, but due to how expensive they where, couldn't afford one. Especially as I hadn't even used one before.

He told me he had his old film SLR somewhere, and if he could dig it out, I could have it. He's nice like that.

So now I am the proud owner of a Canon EF-M. A quick internet search has shown it might not be the most amazing camera in the world, with no auto focus at all, but due to my happy outlook on life I am looking at that with the "It'll just help me learn to focus" in mind.

So today after work I picked up a new battery and a role of film. The camera shop in town only had one type of film, Fuji Superia X-tra 400, so that's what I've got. Though walking through boots I did spot they seem to have more choice so I'll head back there I guess in the future.

I'm going to head out at the weekend iwth the camera and just play around with using the lens and things and see how it pans out.

Any tips for my first time using an SLR camera?

Welcome to the forum.

First time with an SLR....have fun. :)

Maybe take a note book with you and write down the settings (shutter speed, aperture and ISO (film)). Then when you get the photos developed and printed, you can match up the settings to the photos. That should help you learn about how those settings affect photos.

If that camera has auto metering, don't be afraid to adjust the exposure away from what the meter is telling you.
The EF-M is a unique camera in that it was the only Canon EF-mount camera
without auto-focus and it has no LCD. The controls are much more in the
classic vein (shutter speed dial plus aperture dial on top of camera). It is
also the only EF camera with a split-image focusing aid in the viewfinder
making it much better suited for using manual-focus lenses. And, with an
EF lens adapter, a huge number of non-EF manual focus lenses can also be
used with the EF-M.
Looked up the instruction manual for that EF-M and it looks like a fun camera to use. Hope you have a ball using it.

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