Changing bag?

Weaving Wax

TPF Noob!
Aug 23, 2006
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I know what it is, but how do you see what you are doing? Do you have to do it in complete darkness and be able to do it just by "feeling".. I'm getting a film SLR and am looking into bulk loading..
What right you feel. The bag should have two elastic arm openings on one side and the opening on the other side has double zipper to keep the light out. Yes film need to be worked with in the dark.
I have a changing bag, but try to only use it when I need to change infrared film out in the field. I hate that thing, I'm clumsy with it and my hands get all sweaty while I work. :lol: But, that's just me, and I'm a clumsy girl.

It's great to have one, and you do get used to it. But remember that when you want to do things like bulk loading or loading film onto a reel to be developed, you can always work at night and sit at a table in a blackened room. As long as there is no light leak coming from street lights outside and you literally can't see your hand in front of your face, you'll be fine. I work this way just so I can spread out a little bit and be more comfortable. I'm still clumsy, but not sweating within the confines of a small bag.

Good luck with it! :)
Thanks. I'm totally new to all of this stuff. I could do it in my bathroom. Speaking of which, would that be a good place to have a darkroom?
My change bag is one of the most used things I have in my photography hobby. I use it to spool 120 film onto 620 spools, but mostly I use it to load film into my developing tank.

I can do everything quickly and easy by feel.

Honestly, when I'm in complete darkness (like in a darkroom or a closet) I have less of a sense of what's going on than when I'm using my change bag and I can see my surroundings.

ALSO, you never drop something and lose it. Nothing sucks like hunting around for part of the developing tank if you knock it off of the desk in a darkroom onto a WET floor ;)

So to me, it's the best 30 bucks that I've spent in a long time.
I agree with luke... Mine is draped over a large blacked out box. I used it several times everyday to load film in holders and then into the tanks. I couldn't do without it. Also it is really really dark at noon unlike any other place in my house.

It takes very little getting used to actually. After a while you dont even think about it till you lose something like the lit to a film canister and can't for the life of you find it.
Bulk loading: You must have total darkness [changing bag or blacked-out room] to open the film package and transfer the roll of film to the bulk loader. Once the film is safely in the loader, it's lights on time. Bulk loading of cassettes is done in a lighted room.

Bathroom: Yup! Works well as a darkroom. Most have one window and one door. Easy to lightproof. If there's a tub, some lengths of wood to span the tub provide great support for a sheet of plywood. Room there for an enlarger and developing trays. 4 thicknesses of black plastic trash bag make up a lightproof curtain. Most bathrooms have a power outlet for safelight and enlarger/timer.

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