Chat rooms?


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Jun 19, 2009
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I was wondering if you ever had a chat room area of the forum? I think someone said you might of had it set up before but shut it down? Also wondering why you shut it down if you did have one.
Yes, there used to be chat...but I don't think it ever got much use. There was maybe a small handful of members who used it for a while but that was it.
Would you ever consider starting one again?
Good question. I think 'the powers' would consider it, if there was enough demand for it. Posting in this section is the first step. If you can drum up enough support, it will be strongly considered.
I think it would be great to have a chatroom if it was kept to photography discussion ... and remained polite. I've seen too much flaming on them. I think there are enough other rooms out there for off-topic chat.
I ll see what I can do.
I think it would be great to have a chatroom if it was kept to photography discussion ... and remained polite. I've seen too much flaming on them. I think there are enough other rooms out there for off-topic chat.
I think ours was beyond polite. :mrgreen: Can't say it stayed on topic for photography, though.

Have anyone who is interested continue to post here, as Mike suggested. We can make sure the owners consider resurrecting it.
Well as LP found out last night it seems that the software and chat room are still attached to the sight and still active - a group of us used it last night
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So its still a part of the site in that sense :)

I'll put my name down for having a link back on the main bar for it and such :)

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