Christmas Bonus!


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Nov 11, 2003
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Ahwatukee, AZ
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Going by the rule of eBay bidding during major holidays, I'm proud to announce a new addition to my collection.

A Graflex made Stereo Graphic 35.

Ta daaaa... :D


  • $Graflex Stereo.jpg
    $Graflex Stereo.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 136
congratulations! :)

damn, missed my ebay chance as it appears ... totally forgot about it!

Sorry Alex.
Please forgive my being thick as a brick, but what is the rule of e-bay bidding during major holidays? :confused:
Well, that is the rule, bidding during major holidays. I bid when most people are involved in whatever else, dinner with the family, watching the Superbowl... You get the idea. ;)

And yes, I have no life...:lmao::lmao:
Was it the Superbowl last year, Dimitri, when you scored that sweet Hassy?
Was it the Superbowl last year, Dimitri, when you scored that sweet Hassy?

Yes! A good working Hassy 1600F w/back, finder and Ektar lens for about $104.
What a score! It looks immaculate.

I've been told to avoid eBay during this holiday season... ;) Given that Brad and I were out of town for Christmas, we aren't opening our presents to each other until New Year's Eve. I'm hoping he did NOT avoid eBay! :lol:

Congrats on the new addition! I've never shot with anything like this - when do we get to see some samples?

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