Church and snowdrop graveyard


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2006
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An early morning photograph of the church at Shipton, Shropshire, wearing its age well among the snowdrops of February. For more information about this photograph (and thoughts on church architecture and photographing churches) go to:

After having read your thoughts on churches in England and the composition of this photo, what more I saw the moment I saw this photo is the timber structure of the top of the tower. I also find that quite peculiar. Whether it is an uncommon feature in this kind of churches is beyond me, though ... me having so far only been a casual visitor to your country, and only one who LIKES the churches but KNOWS only little about them.
Well Corinna, timber framing is not widespread in Britain, but is fairly common in certain areas - Shropshire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Essex, and a few other counties. These are the parts of the country that, in medieval times, were well-wooded, but had little suitable building stone, so they developed churches using the materials at hand. Some Victorian architects e.g John Douglas, adopted this style very successfully. See my church architecture website for a C19 example -

Regards, Tony
This is all so very interesting! Thanks for providing the information. I should take time to go through all your church photos and explanations, your site URL is in my favourites by now, anyway.
How come you have all the TIME to go visiting the churches, take their photos and gather all the detailed information on them? (One day I'd like to go on a "church-excursion" with you!)

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