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still being picky Vicky
Feb 21, 2005
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A nice close up of my boyfriend Adrian. Ya it's a pretty stock standard pose.... but I don't take a lot of photos of my boyfriend for some reason...


hehehe I was more looking for feedback on my signature... :mrgreen: What do you guys reckon? Is it legible? and do you reckon I could still make it a little bit smaller... or is it ok at that size?
My kinda stuff!! Love the comp.

edit: I'd like it more with a bit more contrast. But that's just me.
I like the dof and the tones :D
But...I don't like the sig :( Well, it's not that I don't like it, but if I didn't know your name, I might think your sig said 'Dicky Wall'. Maybe it's just me? Just trying to be honest with ya ;)
Thank you!! I needed an honest answer and no one here at my house was giving it - they'd just say - oh that's nice.

I'll try and change it around a bit more and make the 'v' a bit more pointy.
woodsac said:
Well, it's not that I don't like it, but if I didn't know your name, I might think your sig said 'Dicky Wall'.

Haha...I thought the same thing when I saw it. But, if that's the way your signature is, why change it? I think it might look a bit less distracting if it was just a little bit smaller.
Like the shot, the only thing I might change is to tidy some of the loose hairs on the left. I don't mind the sig FWIW, and the frame compliments the picture well.

I thought it said 'Chicky' :lol: yeh...jus needs to be touched up a bit.
love the pic tho 'Vicky'....really sharp on the eye and I like the mood his expression is setting. :D

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