Converting in raw format


TPF Noob!
Jun 18, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Is there an easy way to convert pictures into jpeg format from raw? I took around 100 photos from this weekend with my kiddos and do not want to edit all of them. I just want to save most into jpeg with no editing.

I have photoshop CS2 and its wanting me to open each of them, the save as a jpeg... this could take forever!

What kind of camera do you have? I am pretty new, but I know you can set up what's called a 'batch' and it can do that for you. I did it once, but can't remember how now LOL :D
What kind of camera do you have? I am pretty new, but I know you can set up what's called a 'batch' and it can do that for you. I did it once, but can't remember how now LOL :D

I have a Nikon d60. I wish you could remember!!! Anyone? It will take HOURS if I have to convert them all individually.
If you have ViewNX you can open the folder that they are in (while in ViewNX), and select Output-Convert and go to JPEG. It will take you a few minutes, but nowhere near as long as individually converting each file.

ViewNX should be a free download on Nikon's site.
If you have ViewNX you can open the folder that they are in (while in ViewNX), and select Output-Convert and go to JPEG. It will take you a few minutes, but nowhere near as long as individually converting each file.

ViewNX should be a free download on Nikon's site.

Thank you! I have it on my computer and it's already started to convert!
Yeah, that software is invaluable if you don't want to mess with CS2 for each file.
i'm not sure if your Nikon allows you to shoot in RAW+JPEG format but my Canon is capable of so thats what I do. Only touch up the ones I really want to ... rest can be seen in JPEG anyways =)

you can download Google's free Picasa viewer and see your RAW files with that.
Nikon does, and you can convert in camera after shooting while still saving the original NEF (Nikon RAW) files. But the ViewNX is easily quicker than converting in camera, just more processing power to be had.

RAW+JPEG eats up to much memory for me, and the conversion on the computer is fast enough. (Plus i carry ViewNX on a flash drive in my camera case, in case my computer isn't an option for viewing.)

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