Copyright and a book of show photos

Bend The Light

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 8, 2010
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Barnsley, Oop-Nooerth, UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I am due to shoot some photos of an amateur production of Lionel Bart's "Oliver!". I am now the "official" photographer for the theatre group, and have consent from all the parents of the kids in the group as well.

My question is about the photos afterwards...I want to be selling images from the show to the cast and their families, but just had the thought that there may be copyright issues with that. Especially if I did what I thought I might, which is to make a photo-book of the images that they can buy online (e.g. using Blurb, or similar).

Obviously the Theatre Company have bought the licence to perform the show, but if I do what I planned I am almost "retelling" the story myself with the pictures.

Anyone experience this?

BTW, I am in the UK if it makes any differecnce. Not sure if copyright law is the same in different countries. :)

I think you are fine. We did the same thing with a high school. They put on "The Music Man" I took photos of all 3 dress rehearsals. We then made up souvenir books and sold them to the parents and students. We also did a cast photo and individuals if they wanted. Pretty good money for 2 days work. (1 day shoot, 1 day to put the book together and edit photos)
Copyright is similar, but does indeed vary by country. I agree, you should be fine, but I would consult with someone knowlegable on IP law in your area just to make sure that you have all of the bases covered.
IP = Intellectual Property

Read UK copyright law here -

You are not actually talking about copyright, but are talking about model and property release law.

Here in the USA copyright is federal law, so there is just one version of copyright law. Model/properety release law is state law, so there are 50 somewhat different versions.

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