couple of shots from this weekend at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 3, 2009
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West Palm Beach, Fl
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hi everyone... haven't posted in a while... just went to Miami last weekend and stayed at the Biltmore, so the wife and I did some exploring and snapping... Here are a couple

Stairs walking by robertwsimpson, on Flickr

At the Biltmore by robertwsimpson, on Flickr

Tates! by robertwsimpson, on Flickr

haven't had time to edit them all yet, so maybe I will post some more later. Thanks for looking, and C&C is welcome.
Cute wife. #2 is the strongest. #1 and #3 are blown out, particularly the stairway on #1, and nearly everything except the bluejeans/gray sweater on #3. You need to check your white balance before pulling the trigger.

actually, I agree, I did overexpose most of the shots I took last weekend... still learning where the sweet spot is on the new camera. One thing I've discovered is that as highlights approach the point of clipping, they turn magenta/purple. I'll have to work on that for sure. I think that's what makes the white balance look wrong. I actually set the white balance in post.

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