curious : rural schooling series4


TPF Noob!
May 13, 2005
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arrrrrrrrgh i shouldnt be posting so often .. going to run out of stock real soon and i cant even shoot no more :grumpy:
another from my shoot in andhra pradesh with LSE ... curious bunch of kids popping their heads out of their classrooms


thanks for looking :)

and i really do suck at titles :lmao:
mansi you should slow down girl (seriously ;))...... but hey you've found another belter from your archives. really cool concept her mans, love the way it frames the picture right to the edge, and they look quite pleased about it too! great work buddy :thumbup:
I think that title rocks! Couldn't have done better myself i don't think. :)

Love the light you get around subtle and soft...great shot mansi...dig, dig, dig! keep em comin i say!!! :D
Really like this shot, Mansi! I like the looks on the faces of the children, how they're all crowded around to get into the shot, and the muted colours of the shirts of the two boys on what otherwise looks like a b/w shot.
Beautiful! Simply stunning shot. Love the composition and the expressions on their faces!
Mansi, I love this shot! Composition, lighting and framing are all perfect. Excellent work girl keep it up! Don't ever stop!

i love this shot..... the boys are so handsome... they look like eager little rascals that want their pic taken by such a beautiful woman....

cool shot always...
thanks a lot everyone for looking and commenting, appreciate it mucho :)
another awesome shot mansi... you definitely have a gift... :thumbup:
Wow Mansi ! Beautiful exposure and perfect light. The 2 knuckleheads in the back left, awesome how you captured their eyes.

Fantastic photograph... seriously !

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