Dark Side

:thumbup: Beauty of a shot, Calliopallie! What a clever idea!
Right on... what a cool idea. Nicely done LInda.
aww... thats dirty....

i never really know around here if someone really was removed..!!

mean, my calliopallie...very mean..

but i do love the idea....your so clever....
haha... makes you think how dark a picture would have to be to get removed!.... anyone know the boundries?!... nice idea linda :thumbup:
:mrgreen: That's not the photo! I removed the actual photo b/c I didn't like it... and replaced it with this note. Thanks for the comments though! :lmao:
oh.. i thought you were being incredibly witty!..... like you were making a statement or something. Still, it works for me!! :lmao:
Calliope said:
:mrgreen: That's not the photo! I removed the actual photo b/c I didn't like it... and replaced it with this note. Thanks for the comments though! :lmao:

now your just playing with us.... i am so confused, mistress...

now i dont know if you really just put this up and jerking our chains, or if you had one you didnt like, and posted the note...

your so good,.....

you just keep your patients hanging on by a thread, needing you.....

i get it....:lovey: ( where is that bottle of narc's..?)
alright, I've reposted the original... but I don't know how long I will leave it.
eeerrr... try leaving it permanently!.... this is real cool... what made you take it off?! The vamp side is really well done (better than mine!)...love the hint of tooth there aswell. awsome linda.... you should leave it here...or use it as your avatar or summin. great stuff :thumbup:
calliope!!! holy sheeit!! this is awesome!! dang girl...

c-r-a-p..!! make this your avatar...!!

your so gorgeous...!! jm, bet your diggin all over this, arent you??
Dang, missed it *kicks dirt*

(Edit - Okay, now can see it) That is very very cool. Talk about showing your dark side...well done!

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