DigitalRev TV Season 2 is on!


TPF Noob!
Sep 13, 2010
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Hong Kong
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That poor sigma has such a powerful (and far more expensive ;)) act to follow. Heck I've read of 135mm L users selling them to get hold of the new canon 70-200mm.
In this first Battle of the Bokeh for season 2 (7th in the series), we take a look at two zoom lenses that we recently reviewed: the Sigma 70-200mm OS HSM and the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS II USM. Which one will win this battle of the bokeh? Watch the video and vote!

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Less than 2 years on since Olympus first introduced the E-P1 and we are already on the 4th Micro Four-Thirds camera. The latest, the E-PL2, is in the same mould as the E-PL1 but it's not quite a replacement as such. Watch the video to find out whether this camera is worth upgrading to or not.

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Not long ago, Canon US made an announcement to offer a post-sales modification service for all owners of the 5D Mark II or 7D to change their mode dial to a locking one, just like the one seen on the recent 60D. This would set you back $110 US. We set Kai & Lok a challenge to come up with a cheaper alternative in this video.

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