
The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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Nice, but as I look at it something bothers me...the front edge of the boat, the reflection in the water and the vertical mast right in line seem to create a dividing almost looks like two different photos pasted next to each other. Maybe I'm being overly nitpicky, but it bugs me.
Nice, but as I look at it something bothers me...the front edge of the boat, the reflection in the water and the vertical mast right in line seem to create a dividing almost looks like two different photos pasted next to each other. Maybe I'm being overly nitpicky, but it bugs me.

That was exactly the first thing I noticed when I opened the thread. I think from a slightly different angle, and without what appears to be a dividing line down the center of the frame I'd like this a bunch more. Actually, I think if you could clone out the boat to the left and maybe recrop a bit that might make it work better as well.
I thought the whole idea WAS the equal masses, placed and seen and shown, in opposition to one another...the massive boat, and the red dock building, each about the same size! I mean, this is a deliberate decision, kind of an inside "wink,wink!" thing. Right?
I tend to agree with EDL and Whiskey. The picture split is kind of jarring. I can't seem to get beyond that formal issue. A crop from the left and cloning out the boat will help, I think.

I had a quick play with it. Something like this, maybe?

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That helps it a lot methinks. I still wish it was from a slightly different angle. but now there's less distraction.
I agree, if it was me, I might have disregarded the shot. But I like how you attempted to fix it, and rather successfully got rid of a large negative element of the image.

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