Does The Internet Make You Stupid?

OMG NOYZE, "you have completely overlooked Asia!"

"Oh-my-Gawd could you have completely overlooked Asia? You foolish man--you, why, you have completely overlooked Asia. Asia is huge! Where is Asia going to sit at the dinner table?"

"We don't have enough chicken pieces for Asia, or enough wine. You better get in the car and zip your butt right down to the grocery store and get some more wine,and some more chicken, and a few extra napkins, 'cause when Asia comes through that door tonight, and sits down to dinner at OUR table--we are going to have enough food for Asia!"

"Man, how could you have completely overlooked Asia!"

What the hell crawled up your ass this morning?
Yawn. What's the big deal here? Noyze hasn't said anything new. Such thoughts about the Internet have been deliberated ad nauseum and in higher forums than this. Frankly I thought that post was short sighted and shallow, lacking all depth.

Our society is growing farther and farther away from self reliance and becoming more and more co-dependent on other people to make them feel good about decisions they make.

Evidently you have completely overlooked Asia.

I so so very much love a good dose of college-age righteous indignation and moral superiority in the morning.
Perhaps you should try re-reading my post with a tone that isn't self-righteous then.
I don't know about IQ or decivness but it certainly makes you lot all cranky.....
OMG NOYZE, "you have completely overlooked Asia!"

"Oh-my-Gawd could you have completely overlooked Asia? You foolish man--you, why, you have completely overlooked Asia. Asia is huge! Where is Asia going to sit at the dinner table?"

"We don't have enough chicken pieces for Asia, or enough wine. You better get in the car and zip your butt right down to the grocery store and get some more wine,and some more chicken, and a few extra napkins, 'cause when Asia comes through that door tonight, and sits down to dinner at OUR table--we are going to have enough food for Asia!"

"Man, how could you have completely overlooked Asia!"

Happy now? Now, nobody will overlook Asia. Asia will have a place at the table. With its own food. And drink. And even a napkin.
Sorry Derrel, I couldn't afford napkins... have you checked the population of Asia lately?!
I'm going to bump this thread. Seems like there's a whole bunch of people that don't know what the search function does.
The internet makes people clever, the governments and cooperation's know that are worried. People are being educated on the the scams they have been pulling for years.

Sites like lmgtfy just show how many really dumb people now have access to the internet.
CA can you describe what you mean by higher forums ?

Not saying that as a dig, just interested
Yeps. Information is cheap nowadays...just way inflated. I think stupid people will always be around that's why I'm not really worried. What worries me about the internet is the loss of social refinement that physical interaction brings. These kids I see who text each other being that they're located in the same room just boggles me. With that said, I think the net doesn't make us stupid intellectually however will hinder some social aspects of communication.

Also, with the younger generation being accustomed to almost instantaneous data provided by the net, current institutions of education should revamp their curriculum to cater to these kids with sponges for brains...they're just getting plain ol bored in school. The internet having so much freedom vs academia having so much structure demands alot of adjustment for our educates.

All in all these are just minor glitches in my opinion b/c I'm a big fan of the internet revolution like most of us's has just too much to offer but I think that's another topic.

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