Durability Concern


TPF Noob!
Feb 27, 2007
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Miami, FL
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Hello folks, So I was out shooting this morning in the Everglades and realized that I jostle my lenses quite a bit in the field. I normally have everything packed in my bag and open it up to change lenses when needed. Today however, I found that I change between my lenses so often that I leave them out on my car seat as I was driving down the unpaved roadway. Not the smoothest ride, but not the gorilla Samsonite test either. Is this healthy for the lens? They are Canon L's so I figured they are built for this sort of stuff. Was afraid something might get knocked out of whack or something if this becomes habitual. What are your thoughts, aside from me saving up for a second body now. 5D Mark II I am hoping. :mrgreen:
well, i'd stow away those lenses not used, you can imagine what happens if you break suddenly

i once had a camera almost hitting the windscreen when i had to break for a giant elk suddenly jumping onto the road.
I make it a general practice to have all my gear secured while in transit. Be it in the car, walking down the street or moving twenty feet over to get a different shot.

As Alex mentioned "you can imagine what happens if....."
They are L series they'll live. Generally I'd trust the build quality of them. Now a cheaper consumer lens is quite a different story. But as mentioned above accidents can happen and the lens has a better chance if it stowed during an accident.
The L series are built like panzers...
Don't worry about them bumping or "jostling" a little bit. But I'd keep them in your bag at least...even if it were laying open on your seat. At least when you break, they won't fly forward and smack something. I would say that my 70-200 4L would probably break my windshield before it broke it's front element.
Cool beans. I'll just have it laying in the backpack next time to prevent abrupt shifting. They were jammed against the crevice of the backrest and seat so I was not too concerned about flying lenses. I was more concerned about the constant vibration and bumpiness of the unpaved road, but the stray alligator or deer is a good point to consider.
Cool beans. I'll just have it laying in the backpack next time to prevent abrupt shifting. They were jammed against the crevice of the backrest and seat so I was not too concerned about flying lenses. I was more concerned about the constant vibration and bumpiness of the unpaved road, but the stray alligator or deer is a good point to consider.

vibrations and such should not be too bad for the lenses interior.

I've been carrying lots of lenses outdoors, running, walking, sliding down slopes, even falling in the mountians. lots of shock and vibration. All they ever suffered was external scratches and humidity.

Also there are people who drive on motorbikes on horrible unpaved roads for thousands of miles on expeditions in Pakistan, India and whereever. No damage to their lenses.

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