Facebook Drive-bys...


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2012
Reaction score
St. Augustine, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well, that's what I call 'em.

I don't know what to attribute it to. I'll post photos up on my Facebook page, for no other reason than to share a picture that I think is, in some way, a cool photo.

Lately, it seems as though people are sending me messages or e-mails asking to buy a copy of the photo. The sizes will differ, and the prices will differ (with the size, of course), but it just seems that, lately, the best sales tool I've got is Facebook. In the past nine days, it's been directly responsible for the sale of 17 prints. These are photos that I wouldn't have put online anywhere else, and likely wouldn't have even tried to sell.

But, I put 'em on Facebook, and the sales happened.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?
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That's pretty awesome.

I quit the book about 2 years ago, may have to reconsider ;)
I posted wedding photos to Facebook on Monday and have booked two weddings since then. Either Facebook is getting the word out, or my images are damn good.

Probably both. ;-)
Well, I've posted some images that I know I wouldn't mind printing and hanging up; still might.

But I always viewed them as something that I liked, without really considering whether or not anyone esle would dig them...
I've gotten two sales from FB, but then I'm not a pro and not really out there trying to sell my stuff. Not that I wouldn't LIKE to, just that's it's really not pro quality, imo.

17 prints in nine days...hmmm...maybe I need YOuR FB friends... :lol:
I've gotten two sales from FB, but then I'm not a pro and not really out there trying to sell my stuff. Not that I wouldn't LIKE to, just that's it's really not pro quality, imo.

Well, I'm not a "pro", but I've been known to earn a buck or three with my photography. That said, I do like to think that the quality of my photographs is high. The fact that people are willing to part with their cash to have them reinforces that belief...

17 prints in nine days...hmmm...maybe I need YOuR FB friends... :lol:

Four prints went to the same person. Something I wrote popped up on their news feed, and they started poking around my photo albums. Boom: Four sales...
Yeah, I had that happen a few times. And it's never on photos I particularly thought were all that great. You just never know what's going to click with somebody (no pun intended).
jowensphoto said:
I quit the book about 2 years ago, may have to reconsider ;)

So that's why you never added me? :sexywink:
I haven't had such luck, I guess Nobody wants to buy images of my wife?

Ive had a couple paid shoots via friends of friends onFB but that's about it. :(

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